Congratulations to Lesley Standring from Sounds of Hawkes Bay Chorus our 2024 Spirit Award Winner!
Sounds of Hawkes Bay Chorus say “The alluring harmonies of Sweet Adelines were first introduced to our country back in 1981. Patti Cooke founded our first fledgling Sweet Adelines Chorus in the small northern Hawkes Bay community of Wairoa. Alongside Patti was Lesley Standring, one of Aotearoa’s everlasting Sweet Adeline spirits.
In the 43 years since the seeds of our organisation were planted, Lesley has been a stalwart of all things Sweet Adelines. She was instrumental in founding two other Hawkes Bay Choruses. She has continuously promoted our harmonies in the community, including annual performances at her beloved Art Deco Festivals, plus many other sing-outs entertaining citizens at Christmas events, market days and rest homes Not only has she held multiple musical leadership roles over the years from enthusiastic Baritone Section Leader to Musical Director, but she has also taken on numerous administrative roles both at a local and regional level. Name a committee (and as we all know Sweet Adelines have many to choose from), and she has served on it.
Recently Lesley’s dedication to Sweet Adelines was further illustrated as Sounds of Hawkes Bay Chorus hit a crisis point with a change in leadership. Lesley was looking forward to a more leisurely contribution to our small chorus, but much to our delight she took on the role as our Interim Musical Director. As our fruitless search for a new Musical Director ensued, Lesley identified and encouraged a talented younger member of our chorus to step forward and now the chorus has a future with a gifted new Musical Director-in-training.
From helping to found our unique musical art form in New Zealand more than four decades ago, Lesley’s unique contribution continues unabated. Thank you Lesley for epitomising the true spirit of what it means to be a Sweet Adeline.
Congratulations Lesley.